‘‘The key is not the practice. The key is meeting yourself in the practice’’

women in red t-shirt on beach in Trikonasana yoga posture
women standing  in half lotus yoga posture in the sand with black pants

“I can not imagine how my life would be without my daily practice on the mat. It is a precious time to process my emotions” Diana Jost, Founder

  • Already in my early teenage years I stumbled across yoga books, in the search of healing my skin illness. When I, years later, went to my first random yoga class, I knew straight away that this is what I want to be: a yoga teacher!!

    Although I graduated in other yoga styles and am now teaching 25 years, the main transmition I received from Teresa Caldas - an amazing woman with endless knowledge and wisdom. I studied many years with her and graduated 2019 as a Vijnana Yoga Teacher. She gave me profound knowledge in all aspects of yoga and she re-ignites the spark inside my belly, when ever I go to her.

    It is her teaching that I pass on with my own flavours in all the yoga classes, workshops and retreats.

    When coming to a class to me, I like to create a filed where you can dive deep into your body, heart space, energy, mind and breath. I’d love you to dare to breathe deeply, so you can feel.

  • Vijñāna Yoga is a very original form of Hatha Yoga, which emphasises on the effortless movement of the body. Rather than having the main focus on the physical structure, Vijñāna Yoga brings a deeper understanding that comes from within and the energetic power takes over the muscular strength.

    It is a very unique yoga practice and it includes: just sitting (meditation), energy work (vayus*), breathing exercises (pranayama), yoga poses (asanas) and relaxation (savasana) and study of texts. Guiding principles include body relaxation, quieting of the mind, focusing through intention, grounding, connecting, expansion and awareness of the breath, all enable us to shift the awareness inwards, so we can understand and practice from within.

    *5 inner vayus: apana (anus), samana (navel), prana (heart), udana (throat) and vyana (skin), 5 outer vayus: naga (purge), kurma (tears), krikara (sneeze), devadatta (yawn) and dhananjaya (elongate)

    I’m very grateful to the lineage of Vijñāna Yoga, most of all to my teacher Teresa Caldas, who passed on the depth yoga to me, which I find often gets lost in the modern yogic world. She was part of the foundation of Vijñāna Yoga in 2008, together with Orit Sen Gupta (who translated the wisdom of the vayus). Teresa was a student of Dona Holleman. Vijñāna Yoga is a fusion out of B.K.S Iyengar (the anatomy and postures), K.Pattbhi Jois (the movement and flow of asthanga) and T.K.V. Desikachar (pranayama, meditation and study of text), all of them were students of Sri Krishnamacharya. There is very old knowledge, but at the end, we are still looking for the same: shining the light on our essence, which brings contentment and health and happiness in life.

    Other Yoga trainings: In 2003 I qualified as a yoga teacher at the Sivananda Ashram in Austria / for many years I attended workshops (and read her books back and forth) with Donna Farhi / in 2018 I qualified as Yoga Nidra teacher by Swami Vedantananda, a close disciple of Swami Satyananda Saraswati.

    Thank you from my heart to all the teachers!

Yoga classes, massage & Sessions

“At the end, we all look for love and connection.”

People singing around the fire, singing circle
women with shaker in singing circle

“Every time I’m blown away by the magic that happens when humans get together in a circle.”

Diana’s circles

  • The gathering of these circles come from my personal cellular memory of tribe and longing for community, but also from my natural ability of holding space, playing music, singing & dancing and from my over 25 years experience of being a body worker.

    I have an extra strong desire for women’s voices to be heard and I’m just at the end of my studies of somatic education for women – work that I am overflowing with enthusiasm to bring to the community.

    There will be flavours of all above in all my circles, but here I explain just a little bit more what they are:

    Women’s Singing Circles

    What: voice opening (30’) & singing (90’)

    Who for: Women of all ages, generations & cultures

    How often: 1 x / month

    Location: Tranquility Studio in Luz

    To bring: tea/water, blanket, maybe instrument

    Contribution: 10 - 15 Eur. Daughters can contribute by bringing wild flowers to the altar in the middle. The same goes for women in financial difficulties.

    Sign up: Telegram Group or Whatsup text

    This is usually a big circle of women and it’s very powerful. I am very passionate about women’s voices and believe we should never be silenced. As western women we have the privilege to be allowed to speak (more or less!) and sing. I believe it is our duty to speak up loud for the women around the world who are not allowed to have a voice!

    In this circle we usually do some drop in exercises to open the channel of the voice and then we just sing. If you like, bring your instruments or/and easy to play along songs.

    Women’s Circles

    What: 120’ somatic practices and embodied sharings

    Who for: + 16 women

    How often: 1 x /month

    Where: Casa Meranka in Figueira

    Contribution: 15 Eur

    To bring: comfortable cloths, your tea/water (there is a fire place)

    Max: 12 Women

    Sign up: Telegram Group or Whatsup text

    Although it is also a sharing circle, but this is a feminine lead circle, so we do what ever comes up organically. Sometimes there might be a specific topic, sometimes it arises in the shares. I love to in cooperate female embodiment practices ( movement, sound, touch & breath) to go deeper, to feel and most of all, to feel safe to just be.

    This circle arises out my profession as a somatic educator for women, which can also include somatic facilitation, female leadership, shadow work and women’s sensuality & sexuality.

    Singing Circles around the fire

    What: 120’ singing songs

    Who: Women & Men & Children (no dogs please)

    How often: 1x / month

    Location: Estrelas e Dragões, Figueira

    To bring: usually there is food/tea available

    Contribution: on donation

    Sign up: no pre- registration needed, but for more info, text me

    For this circle the community is invited to get together and sing. I usually come with some musical friends, but you are very welcome to bring your instruments, drums, shakers to co create.

    Relationship Circles

    What: 120’ sharing circle

    Who: couples together, or one alone

    Facilitators: Diana & Lieke

    How often: 1 x / month

    Location: Casa Meranka, Figueria

    To bring: comfortable cloths, your tea/water (there is a fire place)

    Contribution: 15 – 20 Eur

    Max: 12 People

    Sign up: Email or Telegram Group or Whatsup text

    This is a circle for couples to get together and share relationship lated topics. It’s also possible to come alone in case the partner is not ready (yet) to join this vulnerable space, as we believe that also one person can change the wind in a relationship.

    I co-facilitate with my great friend and amazing relationship – mediator Lieke van Leent

    Pre registrations: Women’s Circles telegram group / Relationship Circle telegram group / text on +351 962492607 or email: diana@algarveyoga.com.

    Payments: in cash or paypal (diana@algarveyoga.com) or MBWay (+351 962492607)