My warrior son has recently asked me what I’d do if I had super power. “I’d re-ignite the spark in every women’s womb”, I replied.

Diana Jost, Founder

I’m on this planet earth for half a century now and really enjoy to have entered this ‘no bullshit age’, because life is too precious to say ‘yes’ when I mean ‘no’. I keep on being curious what the universe has planned for me and I know that by answering my callings, life does become more effortless.


Breasts - the bells of the heart
Diana Jost Diana Jost

Breasts - the bells of the heart

… that’s how they are referred as in ancient Taoism. The breasts – the expansion of your heart!

How do you hold yours? How do you wear them when you walk into a room? Are they too big, too small, too saggy… too whatever … ?

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Happy valentine’s day …  single people
Diana Jost Diana Jost

Happy valentine’s day … single people

From early childhood we received endless messages about the princess being rescued and life won’t be fulfilled until ‘he’ finds us. And then we spend our life chasing the fantasy of finding ‘THE ONE’ and kept on losing ourselves in the process!

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the wild one
Diana Jost Diana Jost

the wild one

My 2025 new year resolution was: getting rid of the ‘good girl’, but reconnect to the ‘wild women’! I’m aware that this is not an easy task, but it’s a beginning of a new journey for which I am planting a seed.

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